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Cycling App Mockup Z Bez Kółka
Cycling App Mockup Z Bez Kółka
Mobile Lifestyle

Cycling App: IoT Solutions

We took the challenge of upgrading an innovative cycling app, based on native technologies, enabling users to connect with external workout devices via Bluetooth.  Users can set new challenges with opponents in real-time and track their progress in a seamless and visual panel.

Project Challenges

Our journey

Our client already had an existing application in place for this project. However, the application was outdated, and it was not competitive with other applications and usable enough to succeed on the market. 


Our main role was to take the existing concept and transform it into a completely new application, which is seamless, has an attractive design and far more functionalities than the previous version.   


Understanding the different routines and preferences of cyclists presented an interesting task for our team during this project. To develop an app that was intuitive to use, we had to understand how users used their bikes and accessories. A further challenge to be solved was making sure the firmware and hardware were compatible with various cycling setups.  


Our Journey in Enhancing the Cycling App Experience 


Having previously created smart fitness solutions, like kettlebell training apps, we were excited to take on the challenge of making an app specifically for cyclists. 


Our app's primary functionality enables users to schedule riding sessions, monitor their progress in real time, create custom objectives, unlock achievements. In addition, take part in events and challenges, and even compete with other users. Our apps, which are compatible with iOS and Android, provide accessibility for riders everywhere.  





Mobile Development

Mobile app for both iOS and Android.


UX/ UI Design

We created a redesigned version of the app to improve customer experience.



Android, iOS

For mobile development, we used two reliable programming languages - Swift and Kotlin.



5 members

Our team consisted of five members: 2 Mobile Developers, a UX/UI Designer, a Project Manager, and a QA Specialist.



10 + months

Cooperation timeline: 2023-2024

Understanding the users

This cycling application is intended for a wide range of users, including gym enthusiasts, experienced mountain bikers, and casual city riders. It serves those who value maintaining an active lifestyle and participating in sports in their free time, as well as those preparing for professional cycling events.


Kate, 30, Pro Cyclist: 


Kate enjoys regular gym sessions and uses the app to track her progress, set challenges, and sync with her Apple Watch for seamless activity monitoring.


Peter, 42, City Cyclist: 


Peter is getting back into cycling after a break. The app motivates him with social connections and varied routes, while visual progress tracking keeps him engaged. 




Cycling App Persony
Cycling App Mockup Z Granatowym Kółkiem


Our development and design team has carefully optimised the UX/UI features to improve the riding experience in our client’s application. Users can easily log in and start their cycling journeys with a visually appealing landing page that reflects the brand colours and aesthetic. A visual training log features route maps, distances and detailed historical data, where users can easily track their progress and go back and revisit each trip. 


After logging in, riders can create a collection of their favourite routes and choose from different personalized cycling workouts. The interface of the app provides a variety of viewing options, such as maps, route information, and an exciting race mode that encourages friendly competitions between other riders. 

Making of

The entire process, from initial contact with the client to the app's completion, spanned approximately 10 months. Let's explore the details!

Designs Designs

Discovery Workshops

Development Development

Development Phase

Rocket Rocket

Official release

Quality Quality

Ongoing Support & Maintenance

We began our journey with an inclusive workshop, working closely with our client to gather their ideas and preferences for the cycling app. We developed the initial design through open discussions and brainstorming, then we repeated the process every week according to their valuable feedback.  

Before beginning development, we spent three weeks fully understanding the specifics of cycling devices as well as the project's scope. With this insight at hand, we started with a focused two-week sprint to launch the most recent version of the app. Meanwhile, the client and our graphic designer collaborated closely to improve other components of the app. 

We got ready for the app's major release on the Google Play and Apple App Stores after receiving the client's approval. We thoroughly tested the app for a month prior to its official release with a select number of users to make sure it met their needs. 

Following the successful launch, we started a four-week period where we released new features every week in direct response to feedback from clients and users. In order to improve the cycling experience even further, we're currently reviewing and improving upcoming features based on continuous input from our clients and users. 

With its custom features, this app aims to improve the cycling experience by offering comprehensive workout data and encouraging a deeper understanding of performance. These upgrades, along with real-time riding partners and customised training logs, are meant to improve the cycling experience as a whole and provide users more motivation and information to reach their fitness goals.

Cycling App Pojedynczy Mockup 1
Cycling App Pojedynczy Mockup 2

Enhanced Features for Cycling App

Apple Watch Sync: This functionality works without any action from the user. Once the application detects that the phone is connected to the Apple Watch, it automatically reads the user’s information (e.g. heart rate) and saves it as training data.

Dark Mode: The design team implemented the possibility for users to switch into dark/light mode, depending on their visual preference.

All data sets in one place: The user is able to see a clean and neat summary of all the important data throughout their workout, including their heart rate, distance, speed, time, etc.

Real-time Riding Partners: Our cycling app offers a community platform where users can connect and train together in real-time. With this feature, cyclists can set their workout distance or duration and adjust their virtual companion's speed. As they ride, users can track their companion's progress, adding a dynamic element to their cycling sessions.

Improved advanced stats: A seamless and clean visual representation of all cycling routes results and historical data, including graphs,maps, tables and goals reached over time.

Technology Stack

Technological Framework

Technology Stack:

The app uses Kotlin for Android development and Swift for iOS, providing a solid technological framework for seamless performance across both platforms. This choice of programming languages ensures reliability and consistency, offering users a seamless experience on any device they use.


A successful launch of the cycling app marks an advancement in improving the riding experience for cyclists worldwide.


Our ongoing partnership with the customer represents our dedication to continuous development, with an emphasis on enhancing the app, according to the insightful feedback from users.


Cyclists can anticipate a seamless, customised experience that adapts to their changing requirements and preferences thanks to this collaborative effort. We look forward to more progress in our partnership.

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