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We work with all industries

From Medtech to Automotive, we deliver tailored software solutions for your unique industry needs. Our software solutions enhance system efficiency across various industries, like AI integrations, IoT solutions, and team augmentation services for industries such as MedTech, Automotive, Fintech, Real Estate, and more.



Manufacturing Industry Software Development

Efficiently manage manufacturing facilities and warehouses with tailored software solutions. Cut costs, enhance precision, and automate processes to optimize operations and inventory management.

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Technological advancements in the manufacturing industry.

When it comes to manufacturing, precision is one of the most important factors. As technology keeps getting better, it’s easier to be precise in terms of inventory management, the production process, employee management, and supply chain optimization. One of the biggest hurdles for technological innovation in manufacturing is the prevalence of legacy systems. When your company has paid a significant amount of money for a large-scale system, it’s hard to justify switching to a new solution, even when it’s been years since the implementation. Luckily, you don’t always have to re-do things from the ground up. Instead, you can add new parts to your existing infrastructure.

Old systems can be surprisingly resilient and future-proof, but some of their parts can become dated relatively quickly, and technological progress moves extremely fast. Modern digital solutions offer opportunities that were unthought of even a few years ago. For example, IoT and automation software have become a standard in manufacturing companies because production and inventory tracking are much easier when your facility is digitized. New connectivity standards like 5G open up a world of new, extremely fast digital solutions. The key to successful technological innovation in manufacturing is to find the right places to apply bleeding-edge solutions. We can help you do that.

Redesign & development

Batch manufacturing system

We've been trusted with this project by a US-based company that provides software for the manufacturing industry.

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FinTech Industry Software Development

Navigating the world of finance demands flawless security, seamless UI/UX, and exceptional customer experiences. Offer user-friendly interfaces, and deliver personalized financial services, in order to maintain your competitiveness.

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FinTech is evolving extremely fast.

One of the most exciting industries today, FinTech is growing at a breakneck pace. Already, people can invest into a rich world of different financial assets from the comfort of their own home, in a matter of a few clicks on their phone or computer. Thanks to advanced digital technologies, finance is becoming truly democratized. Digital banking, investing, saving and wealth management are available in the form of apps and web platforms that are personalized towards different kinds of customers. The competition is strong in this market, so you need to be smart and have better tech in order to thrive.

One of the key aspects of FinTech software development is security and compliance. This is an industry where it’s not enough to provide a great user experience. It has to be extremely secure, because your users’ money is literally on the line. People are smart and they recognize untrustworthy software quickly. So, the main challenge in FinTech is maintaining good PR, and a big part of that is making sure that your technological infrastructure is as safe as can be. Users need to be confident that their money is safe with you, otherwise you’ll be in a world of trouble trying to keep up with customer demands.

Application design

App for franchise owners

We designed a platform that works as a stock exchange for franchisers. The application is dedicated to those who want to invest in franchises and those who are franchise owners looking for investors.


Healthcare Industry Software Development

Healthcare software solutions encompass MedTech, EdTech, and InsurTech functionalities. Leverage digital products for patient records, transformative healthcare services and more.

Healthcare is in need of large-scale innovation

Our population is growing, and limited access to healthcare is an issue that’s endlessly plaguing our planet. But it’s far from the only issue that the healthcare industry has to tackle. Even in developed countries, there’s often so much paperwork that the actual care is the last thing you do when you go to the doctor. Compared to extremely high standards of customer satisfaction in other industries, healthcare often feels outdated. As societies become smarter and life becomes automated in all other areas, in some aspects healthcare is lagging behind other industries.

You don’t need to build Bayesian networks for disease diagnosis to drive innovation in healthcare. There are plenty of areas that need better, cheaper, faster, reliable technology. Patient record management, test result sharing, disrupting informational silos to provide comprehensive, cross-provider care for patients — these may seem like relatively simple solutions, but they’re difficult to implement in healthcare due to challenges like stringent medical data protection.

Mobile app development

Test results in your mobile device

In this project, we designed and built a secure mobile app for a healthcare SaaS provider.

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Automotive Industry Software Development

In the multifaceted world of automotive, software plays a very important role—from manufacturing to driver experience, fleet management, and long-term maintenance. Our expertise empowers your success, combining automotive with the newest technologies.

Technological opportunities in the automotive industry.

In the automotive industry, there are so many moving parts — literally and figuratively. A smorgasbord of different vendors and service providers, manufacturers, engineers, designers, repairmen. The list is endless. This complex environment is ripe for technological disruption. While the public eye is focused on self-driving cars, the most interesting transformations are happening under the hood of the whole industry. Automotive companies are racing to adopt new technologies before the competition does. In the near future, the fate of industry incumbents will depend on how well they handle the marriage of automotive and IT. With so much at stake, it’s good to be careful about launching new tech initiatives. Tech gives your organizations new tools and opportunities, but your workforce needs to be ready for it. Technology rollouts should be accompanied by thoughtful informational and educational campaigns to ensure swift adoption. There’s also a lot to consider while planning and prototyping new tech. In an industry riddled with standards and regulations, your digital infrastructure has to be pristine and compliant. The best way to ensure this is to work with proven software providers that have a track record of successful implementations.

Featured Web Development Project

Automotive software suite

For this client, we designed and built a consistent interface across their website and digital products. We also improved the overall usability of their solutions.

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Education Software Development

Embark on a software development journey with us as your trusted companion. Our comprehensive skills guide you through diverse application development, providing unwavering support at every step.

Education software is in high demand

The past few years have shown us that remote learning isn’t a novelty, it’s a necessity. We’ve also seen that current infrastructure and tools are largely unsuitable for school education en masse. Luckily for us, all of this means that it’s a great time to build a digital education business. There’s plenty of room for new tools that will help students acquire valuable knowledge. Software never gets tired, doesn’t make mistakes (if it’s built right), and it can be used at any time, not just during lessons or work hours. This flexibility means that people can learn at their own pace, and absorb much more than in a traditional group-learning environment.

Both in a school environment and in the workplace, educational software can reduce costs, streamline the whole teaching/training process, and make education measurable and efficient. This way, teachers and trainers can focus on the people who need support the most, and fast learners can go at their own pace without making others feel like they’re too slow. However, educational software is not always easy to implement. We’ve built various types of educational software, like e-learning platforms, knowledge bases, innovative edu-apps or gamified employee training software.

Application redesign

Gamified training application

For a major retailer in Scandinavia, we redesigned a mobile app for employee training. With customizable profiles and a savvy UX, the app would help employees complete their training in a pleasant, convenient way.

Lifestyle & Entertainment

Lifestyle & Entertainment Software Development

Craft entertainment platforms or social apps with cutting-edge technology to foster user connections and engagement, from streaming services to interactive platforms.

Lifestyle & Entertainment industry

The first and most obvious area in this industry are games. Mobile, PC, console, and web games are a standard form of entertainment and social connection for the digital generation. Streaming services, content hubs, and social media are examples of places where we all spend a large amount of our days. However, this barely scratches the surface of the wide world of digital lifestyle and entertainment solutions. Pretty much any type of service provider in this industry can become, in one way or another, digitized. Consumers have come to expect all businesses to have apps or websites that make it easy to browse your offer and buy from you.

It simply doesn’t make sense to have a 100% real-world business without a digital presence anymore. People won’t be able to find you nor learn about you, and you’ll probably have to close shop after a while. Customers are won online nowadays, and it's where most sales happen. Something as simple as a well-designed website or a convenient app to order and pay through can be a huge power-up for your company. Everybody’s looking for cool things to do and new, exciting experiences. With the right technology, you can make your business visible, and entice people to come to you instead of your competitors.

Mobile app development

NeoTaste: Deals for Foodies

We partnered with a startup from Germany that aims to provide foodies with more opportunities to enjoy a visit to a restaurant.

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E-commerce & Retail  

E-commerce & Retail Software Development

Seize the potential of e-commerce by embracing innovative technology. Enhance speed, convenience, and automation to cater to evolving online shopping preferences and stay ahead in the retail industry.

Technological Innovation in Ecommerce & Retail

It’s all about speed and personalization when it comes to e-commerce and retail. We’re all getting used to high standards of customer care, quality products, and extremely fast order fulfillment times. Only niche stores have the benefit of delivering products slowly, as they might have to either produce, or source the necessary merchandise before they can send it to a client. When it comes to everyday items and easy-to-get products, you need to be as fast as possible in order to maintain a competitive advantage. Meanwhile, you can’t forget about ensuring that your stock is high-quality, and your customers won’t return items the minute they receive them.

The obvious e-commerce leader in the western world is Amazon. Practices invented by this company slowly trickle down to all e-commerce stores, and even physical retail chains try to be more like Amazon by expanding their digital presence. If you’re not online, your store might as well not exist, and you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities. It’s almost impossible to survive in this industry without any digital footprint, and the new standard in retail is e-commerce without a physical store location, or a combination of a small brick and mortar store with a large online operation.


E-commerce app redesign

For an international footwear store, we redesigned their whole platform to improve usability.

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Travel & Transportation

Software Development for the Travel & Transportation Industry

Excel in the travel and transportation sector with technology that enables fleet management, process automation, business optimization, and more. Elevate your operations and customer experiences with our specialized solutions.

Nowadays, there is no Travel & Transportation without software

As Marc Andreesen prophesied, software has eaten the world and it continues to do so. In the Travel industry, customers can’t imagine a world without websites and apps that make travelling as easy as touching your smartphone a few times. Transportation, fleet management, route optimization, and supply chain organization would be much more difficult without dedicated software that facilitates easy management of large-scale, global operations. So the issue in this industry isn’t “how to use software?”, but “how to optimize the tech infrastructure to run things even more smoothly?”. If you have an innovative idea, we can help you turn it into a real product.

When you talk about travel and transportation software, the first things that come to mind are AirBnB, websites where you can compare travel options, or fleet management software. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. From the bottom to the top, the whole industry runs on ingenious systems that streamline operations so that humans have an easier time doing their jobs. Without these systems, aeroplanes would literally fall out of the sky, travel and delivery would be much more difficult, and the global economy would grind to a halt. However, legacy systems can be cumbersome, so there’s a lot of room for innovation in this industry.

App development

Uber-like application

We built an Uber-like application for a niche market, with a wide variety of innovative features.

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Real Estate

Software Development for the Real Estate Industry

In today's dynamic real estate landscape, digital transformation is no longer an option —it's a strategic imperative. Our tailored software solutions are designed to empower real estate companies, revolutionizing property management and sales processes to drive growth and success.

Real Estate is evolving extremely fast

Trends in Digital Transformation:

From AI to VR, real estate innovation knows no bounds. By adopting emerging tech, firms can unlock efficiencies, productivity, and growth. Whether using AI analytics or VR tours, the future of real estate is ripe with possibilities.
Challenges and Solutions:

While digital transformation brings benefits, challenges like upskilling and data security must be addressed. Our solutions offer training, security measures, and ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition to the digital future.

AI Solutions for Property Management

Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Fliko

We have collaborated with Fliko, a dynamic real estate management company, to create AI solutions that make property management more efficient and effective.

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Why Us?


We believe that top quality is not optional – it's an essential process of building a successful software project and, ultimately, a successful online business. That is why, our team takes it very seriously.

Goal oriented

Our workflow is focused on reaching objectives and successively bringing your vision into reality. Using advanced technologies, we can build reliable, adaptable, and future-oriented software that will make you competitive, even with the big industry players.


Our philosophy combines a reliable craftsman approach with a firm belief in the power of innovation. In business relationships, we act as close partners, supporters, and advisors, to help our clients find an optimal way to accomplish their goals.


Explore clients’ testimonials

They exceeded our expectations delivering several features that were not a part of the initially flawed specification. (...) I have almost 20 years of experience and have never been so impressed by all aspects of product delivery and support. For me, it is 11 out of 10.

VP of Product and Marketing

, Online Travel Agency Startup

As a non-technical founder, I’ve leaned on Angry Nerds to deliver all aspects of product delivery and support. I feel like a have a truly committed team by my side. (...) I am very satisfied with the quality of their work.

Cyrus Peyrovian

, FastAuth Founder

Their design skills are top-class. Angry Nerds are a truly committed and experienced team - and they’re simply friendly, so it’s a real pleasure working with them. They’re easy-going and at the same time strongly involved in everything they do.

Product Owner

, Automotive Processes Company

The flexibility and communication skills of the Angry Nerds team are impressive. A profitable and successful long-term partnership has resulted from Angry Nerds consistently delivering reliable, quality, on-time products.

Alexander Peschke

, Owner of Peschkedesign

I’m very impressed with the UX/UI design team. They’ve done an excellent job, and comparing their skills with other companies I had worked with over the years, I can definitely say that Angry Nerds are experts when it comes to user interface applications.

Project Leader

, Electronics Design and Manufacturing Company

The level of understanding and communication between Angry Nerds and our teams were excellent. There was a real trust relationship built in a short time. (...) Angry Nerds tried to understand us and almost became a part of our team. We even included them in our social events. They were just like our employees.

Adrian Hodgson

, Chairman & People Lead at E-commerce Thinking

This is a collaborative business, we worked very well with Angry Nerds. What we appreciated the most was an open conversation, trying to find solutions to our problems, and being flexible in meeting our needs.

Andrzej Jończyk

, CEO of Healthcare Company

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Meet the Team

Designers, developers, testers, project managers... But above all – skillful creators, team players, and technology enthusiasts. Bold ideas inspire us, so we can’t wait for the next challenge!

.NET Developer
Android Developer
Front-end Developer
iOS Developer

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