Your boss allowed you to work remotely. First thoughts? Probably: „That’s great!”. You’ll be able to avoid the morning and afternoon commute, save time and concentrate on your work from the very beginning of the day. Different surroundings can also enhance your productivity and creativity. Sounds perfect?
Sure, but working remotely won’t make you the most effective worker ever in an instant. There are a few traps set for you on the way to the dreamland of remote work. The major one is definitely choosing the place to work. First of all, you have to realize what you need to do your best at work. Is it pure silence of an empty room or a rush of everyday life around you? Do you prefer working with other people surrounding you or is it too distracting?
Secondly, assess your needs in terms of equipment. There’s no point in working from a desolated place with no Wi-Fi when the internet connection is vital to your tasks! Finally, think about the places you can choose from and pick the ones you simply like. You’ll do much better at work while enjoying yourself than being constantly irritated or upset.
Let’s list a few top choices you can consider when looking for your perfect place to work remotely!
1. Your home
Certainly, you won’t find any venue that offers more comfort, but working from home is one of the most dangerous choices you can make unless you’re really self-disciplined. The main risk at home are all the distractions. You’ll always find something urgent to do and you can end up doing... nothing at all. But you can successfully work from home if you implement a proper strategy. Get dressed – working in pyjamas can hardly be effective. Arrange a working station – a place dedicated solely to your work stuff. Prepare all the equipment you need and create a plan for the day. Don’t forget to add a lunch break! Now you only need to fully commit to your plan and work in the chosen timespan.
2. Cafe
Fresh coffee, fast Wi-Fi, comfy armchair... It’s not so easy to find the dream cafe! Some people will never choose a cafe to work remotely because of all the rush, different sounds or disturbing noises. But for others, it can be exactly what they need to boost their creativity. Remember there are many different cafes! You can choose from the crowded and popular cafeteria or find a quieter one. Have you tried looking for cafes in unusual places? Very often such institutions as museums or other cultural venues have marvelous cafes. Additionally, if you’re in need of inspiration, you can always have a break and visit an exhibition!
3. Co-working space
It’s a great alternative if you’re tired of your usual office. Sometimes a simple change of your surroundings and a difference in the everyday routine can release your creativity and boost effectiveness in a way you didn’t even imagine. The idea of co-working is growing very fast around the world and you can find a neat and friendly venue in all major cities. There are open spaces, conference and individual rooms at your service just round the corner!

4. Library
You haven’t thought of this one, have you? Public libraries have reached a new level of development. Many of them are now modern places with nice working space and comfortable reading rooms. If you need silence, there’s no better choice! Explore the libraries in your city. Surely there are some vintage ones (maybe they will suit you best?) and the brand new ones with some modern equipment and good internet connection. Again – think of what you need and look for it consequently!
5. Park
When you sit in the office in spring or summer you probably dream of going out and taking advantage of the beautiful weather. So if you’re a nature lover and feel the best outdoors, why not trying remote work in a park? All that will surround you there can be the greatest inspiration and mood-booster. But remember – don’t feel too at ease, you’re at work, not on vacation! Remote work in a park has also some clear disadvantages. Unless you have your own source of internet connection, it’s unlikely to find a good Wi-Fi.
There’s no such thing as a perfect place that suits everyone. We all have different needs and tasks to do, so there’s always more than one good solution. The key to benefit from the possibility to work remotely is to choose the environment that will help us thrive. If you have ideas or personal experience in the matter, share it with us in the comments!