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Category: Business Culture

25 Aug 2023

25 Aug 2023

8 min read / Category: Business Culture

Current Trends and The Future of Autonomous Vehicles

Angry Nerds


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From mastering parallel parking to navigating busy city streets, the advancement of Autonomous Vehicle (AV) technology has completely changed the way we interact with our cars.

While these advancements are truly remarkable, the majority of vehicles still rely some level of human input. The AV market is currently experiencing an evolution, fueled by advancements in driving software, subscription-based business models and the capabilities of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). As the AV industry picks up momentum, it also faces a range of challenges such as questions surrounding responsibility, adapting to urban environments, and even ethical considerations related to AI decision making.

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has categorized AVs into six levels of autonomy ranging from Level 0 (no automation) to Level 5 (automation). Presently, the majority of vehicles on the road fall within the range of Level 1 (driver assistance) to Level 3 (automation) where drivers are still required to intervene in difficult situations.

The current state of the AV market

Autonomous Driving Software

The field of driving software platforms is witnessing growth with an expected annual growth rate of 43.2%, from 2023 to 2030. This expansion is projected to lead to a market value of USD 109.8 billion.

The rise in popularity of self-driving cars is a driving force behind this trend. These software platforms play an important role in enabling vehicles to navigate and understand their surroundings relying on technologies like AI, sensor fusion, and machine learning.

The market's growth is fueled by investments from established companies and startups driven by constant advancements in software algorithms, evolving government regulations, and increasing consumer demand for AV's. The market can be divided into two segments; Autopilot and Fully Autonomous Driving, catering to both passenger vehicles. In terms of distribution, North America leads the way in technological advancements, while Europe focuses on implementation and safety regulations. The Asia Pacific region experienced growth due to demands arising from urbanization. These global dynamics are currently the main factors shaping the evolution of the driving software market.

Some examples include Waymo, a subsidiary of Alphabet, which is at the forefront of self-driving technology in various settings. The company operates a ride-hailing service that utilizes autonomous vehicles. Their software enables these vehicles to navigate through city landscapes. Another example is Nuro, which specializes in last-mile delivery, using small self-driving vehicles to ensure safe navigation within neighborhoods and transform the way goods are transported locally.

Subscription-Based Driving

The trend of subscription-based driving in autonomous vehicles is gaining traction, supported by consumer preferences and willingness to pay for additional features. McKinsey's 2021 ACES survey, involving over 25,000 participants, revealed that around 25% of respondents are likely to choose advanced autonomous driving (AD) features when purchasing their next vehicle. Two-thirds of these interested customers would willingly pay $10,000 or an equivalent subscription rate for an L4 highway pilot, showcasing substantial market potential.

A subscription-based driving model involves paying a regular fee for vehicle access, avoiding ownership hassles. Companies like Care by Volvo, Porsche Passport, and Book by Cadillac offer packages covering insurance, maintenance, and more. BMW's Access and Canvas by Ford let you switch vehicles, while Fair partners with dealerships for flexible subscriptions. HyreCar facilitates peer-to-peer car sharing. This rising trend caters to urban dwellers and those valuing convenience, offering a range of vehicles without the commitment of ownership.

AV companies are leaning towards developing customized value propositions and pricing structures tailored to diverse consumer profiles. This includes a wide range of payment methods including fixed charges, subscription models, and on-demand payment choices. This strategy not only caters to varying consumer lifestyles but also acknowledges the fact that consumers are still very skeptical and do not fully trust self-driving vehicles.

ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)

The global market for driver assistance systems (ADAS) had a value of USD 12.9 billion in 2021 and experts forecast that it will experience a growth rate of 18.2% from 2022 to 2030. The growing demand for these systems in cars is anticipated to be a factor driving the expansion of the market. Moreover, the increasing number of government regulations requiring the integration of ADAS, in vehicles is expected to stimulate demand.

In a recent report by Carscoops, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has unveiled intriguing findings. These findings highlight the substantial impact of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), including features such as automatic emergency braking, collision warning, and lane departure warning. The data suggests that these ADAS technologies could potentially prevent hundreds of thousands of fatalities.

Major car companies have adopted Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to improve safety and convenience, for drivers. Tesla's Autopilot includes features like cruise control, lane centering and automated lane changes, which rely on sensors to enable autonomous driving on highways. Toyota's Safety Sense offers functionalities such as collision systems and adaptive cruise control to prevent accidents and reduce risks. Honda's Sensing package combines technologies, like collision mitigation braking and lane departure alert to increase driver awareness and ensure safety on the road.

Regions like North America and Europe have widely adopted cars equipped with ADAS due to their increasingly strict safety regulations. In the Asia Pacific region these technologies are gaining popularity and are expected to account for approximately 33% of market growth.

Challenges that lie ahead for the AV industry

Liability in The Event of Accidents

Determining liability is an issue when it comes to accidents involving vehicles (AVs). Who should be held responsible; the vehicle manufacturer, the software developer or the owner? It is essential to establish frameworks that address these complexities and ensure accountability.

Currently, governments worldwide with have been delaying the deployment of advanced autonomous vehicles (AVs) due to a lack of provisions for Level 4 and 5 AVs that operate without drivers or passengers. Existing standards, like the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) were designed for human operated vehicles. They need to be updated to accommodate the design and operational requirements of AVs.

There are also concerns regarding data privacy, sharing and liability in AV related accidents. It is crucial to establish regulations that ensure competitiveness and address security risks as AV innovation continues to advance.

Furthermore the emergence of AVs could potentially lead to job displacement for drivers. This concern needs to be addressed through retraining programs and strategies, for workforce adaptation.

Current State of Urban Environments

The current state of urban environments poses challenges for autonomous vehicles (AVs). Navigating through city streets, accurately detecting pedestrians and cyclists and interpreting hand gestures are only a few example. Also, factors like unpredictable weather and tricky parking spaces, or unclear road signs can further complicate AV systems. The state of the urban environments would have to be redesigned and adjusted, for all the vehicles to become fully autonomous one day. However, it is worth noting that technology companies and automakers are making strides in refining the capabilities of AVs in overcoming these challenges.

Split-Second Decisions

When it comes to any advancement AVs come with their share of challenges and concerns. One dilemma which arises when programming AVs to make split second decisions in life threatening situations. For example should a self driving car prioritize the safety of its passengers over that of pedestrians? This particular issue highlights the importance of striking a balance, between technology, ethics and human values.

Angry Nerds


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